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          蘇中藥業產品熱線:4008 609 609

          Talent Center
          Policy Welfare
          Talent Concept Policy Welfare Recruitment
          Policy Welfare

          Work welfare


          Spring Festival

          Start-up benefits

          Mid-Autumn Festival Welfare

          A medical company

          In a medical

          Cooling purposes

          Children's tuition

          Candy fee

          Only child fee

          Health costs

          38 women's fees

          Condolence money (funeral)

          Children's day fee

          Fu inspection fee

          If you are interested in the recruitment information of Suzhong, you can link the recruitment information to apply for relevant Recruitment information recruitment positions. Resume liss@suzhongyy.com can also be contacted by HR Department.

          Learning and development Perfect staff training and development system, from new employees to professionals, and then to middle and senior managers, has designed a perfect career development system for employees.

          Internal training

          We provide systematic induction training and pre-service skills training for new employees
          We actively provide academic education incentives, vocational skills training, professional title assessment, and encourage employees to develop professional skills

          Talent echelon construction

          Through periodic talent selection, the establishment of dynamic training of talent echelon
          Provide career development channels for employees through internship, management training, talent class and other programs


          More than 4000 professional training courses are offered through the network college

          Post an

          We conduct internal talent selection through irregular internal competition and recruitment, and implement talent management of competent people, mediocre people and mediocre people
